Loud voices, drooling in fury, Bad temper. When was the last
time you had an argument with someone? I don’t know what the topic
was, but this fact is almost certain that your debate ended inconclusively.
Sometimes you lose your temper due to low tolerance, giving rise to
extreme behaviour. It is one of the issues that humans faced from day one of
their creation. It becomes an important weapon of cold war, a part of the
big game played between powerful nations to control world order and
common people are the victims of this game.
Today people can’t argue to correct themselves. But they want
other people to accept their ideas. They become infuriated on small things. Their views may be right or wrong but they are adamant about
them. And if someone tries to correct them, they perceive it as an attack on
their self-respect. People today discuss various topics, whether they are
religious or political, but their discussions end fruitlessly,
because they never want to change their minds or allow anyone to
breach the boundaries they set for themselves. This mindset raises
different questions. Why did this happen?
Neuro, Political and social scientists have done a lot of
research to understand why people are so adamant about their beliefs. They tried to read the thinking patterns of the human brain.
After a lot of efforts they found that humans believe
emotions more than facts.
This love affair with emotions stems from primitive period.
In 2012 BBC produced a TV series named Conspiracy Road Trip. In this
show, they picked different people from America who are very adamant about their ideologies. For example, some of them believed that the earth is flat,
some believed that Apollo missions are fake or 9/11 incident is fabricated. BBC
invited them for a road trip where these people were taken to different
American states. There, they were introduced to intellectuals, scientists,
engineers who present them with facts opposing their dogmatic views. For example,
those people who thought 9/11 was fictional said that it is not possible that a
massive building like wlWorld Trade Center imploded vertically. On this trip they met building
engineers who showed them how buildings collapse. But nothing could convince them. Surprisingly only one
person in all these groups was convinced. These results were mind
blowing. These people could not change their thoughts even after a lot of
experiments and meetings with experts. But the thing which convinced them was emotion.