Har Pal Geo TV is airing the new drama serial Jannat Say Aagay, starring Talha Chahour, Kubra Khan, Ramsha Khan and Gohar Rasheed. Haseeb Hassan is the author and director of what is turning out to be a complex love story.
‘Jannat say aagay’ is about a morning show host Jannat Khan, played by Kubra Khan. The other main character is Tabbasum (Ramsha Khan), a fan inspired by Jannat’s success.
Jannat hosts the morning show Jannat Jahan and goes to all kinds of lengths to make her show a superhit, treading into the dark side if need be.
Tabbsum takes up a caretaker job in Jannat’s house to become close to her, so she gets to know about the reality of the superstar.
It’s an intriguing beginning to a promising show. Let’s see where it takes us in the future.